Where can I find your technical analysis tools?

We provide several indicators to evaluate trading patterns that help customers in making an informed trading decision. Listed below are some of the indicators and where you can find them on the Price Chart.


  1. Go to the left-hand navigation and choose Trade.
  2. Navigate to the Price Chart and choose the time interval from the drop-down menu.

Chart formats

  1. Go to the left-hand navigation and choose Trade.
  2. Navigate to the Price Chart and choose the chart format from the drop-down menu.

Market depth

  1. Go to the left-hand navigation and choose Trade.
  2. Hover over the depth chart to see the Market Depth Indicator.

For more information on the depth chart, visit Reading the Depth Chart.

Other indicators

  1. Go to the left-hand navigation and choose Trade.
  2. Navigate to the Price Chart and choose Indicators.
  3. Choose or search for the Indicators you wish to view from the list of indicators offered by Bullish.
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