Health indicators are used to show what actions an account can take at various margin levels. The Unified Trading Account risk is evaluated by comparing Margin, to various Margin Requirements. The comparison result determines Account Health. There are different Margin Requirements for different risk levels. If the Margin value is greater than the given Margin Requirement value, then the account has sufficient Margin for that purpose. However if Margin is less than a given value, the account status is updated correspondingly and actions will be taken.
Health Indicator | Healthy | Healthy | Monitor | Caution | Danger | Critical | Suspended |
Formula | Initial Margin Requirement ≤ 0 | Margin ≥ Initial Margin Requirement | Margin ≤ Initial Margin Requirement; and Margin > Warning Margin Requirement | Margin ≤ Warning Margin Requirement; and Margin > Liquidation Margin Requirement | Margin ≤ Liquidation Margin Requirement; and Margin > Full Liquidation Margin Requirement | Margin ≤ Full Liquidation Margin Requirement; and Margin > Defaulted Margin Requirement | Margin ≤ Defaulted Margin Requirement |
Can you borrow? | (1) | ||||||
Can you send orders that will increase leverage? | |||||||
Can you send orders that will decrease leverage? | |||||||
Can you cancel orders? | (2) | (3) | (3) | ||||
Can you withdraw? | |||||||
Can you transfer assets to another account? | |||||||
Can you deposit assets? | |||||||
Can you transfer assets to this account? | |||||||
Can you create AMM instructions? | |||||||
Can you terminate AMM Instruction? | (2) | (3) | (3) |
1. Some automated borrowing may still occur.
2. The liquidation engine will close all open orders and start to close AMM instructions.
3. The liquidation engine will close all open orders and immediately close all AMM instructions.