Bullish clients can authorize individual traders within an institution to trade on Bullish via FIX API. FIX connections can be configured by an Authorized Representative through the Bullish web interface.
To configure FIX connections:
- Go to the left-hand navigation and choose Settings.
- Choose FIX Credential.
- Choose Add FIX Credential.
- In the Add FIX Credential pop-up window, enter the Credential Name and SenderCompID.
Note: SenderCompID must be an alphanumeric value between 2 and 32 characters, and must be unique across all Bullish customers. We recommend including your organization name as a prefix to help ensure uniqueness.
- Select Credential Type. By default, FIX Trading Session is selected. Note that FIX Trading Session should be used for credentials with trading access while Drop Copy Sessions are read-only.
Select the Users (if applicable) and the Trading Account(s). Then, enter or generate a password.
a. For FIX Trading Session credentials, select the Users and Trading Account(s). Then, you can enter or generate a Password.Note: Individual user permissions are still enforced when connecting via FIX. Users who are given access to FIX must have permission to access all of the trading accounts that are configured for the credential.
b. For Drop Copy Session credentials, select the Trading Account(s). Then, you can enter or generate a Password.
- Choose Authenticate Credential.
- Use your two-factor authenticator (passkey or TOTP authentication) to complete the process.
- Save your FIX password and choose Confirm.
The Authorized Representative will be able to select the users within their institution who should have access to the FIX connection, as well as the Trading Accounts that should be accessible via FIX, before setting the password. Please note that this configuration must be updated whenever a new user or trading account is added that requires FIX access. Currently edit is not supported so the credential must be deleted and recreated, but the user has the option to reuse the same password if they choose to minimize disruption.